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Local Pension Board
Each LGPS Administering Authority is required to establish a local Pension Board to assist them with:
- securing compliance with the LGPS Regulations and any other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the Scheme, and requirements imposed in relation to the LGPS by the Pensions Regulator
- ensuring the effective and efficient governance and administration of the Pension Fund. Such Pension Boards are not local authority committees; as such the Constitution of Flintshire County Council does not apply to the Pension Board unless it is expressly referred to in the Board’s Protocol. The Clwyd Pension Board was established by Flintshire County Council in March 2015 and the full Protocol of the Board can be found within the Council’s Constitution. Please use the link below to access the Flintshire Constitution. The Pension Board Protocol can be found on pages 183 of the Flintshire Constitution document.
Flintshire Constitution Document
The Pension Board provides oversight of the matters outlined above. The Pension Board, however, is not a decision making body in relation to the management of the Pension Fund and the Pension Fund’s management powers and responsibilities which have been delegated by the Council to the Pension Fund Committee or otherwise remain solely the powers and responsibilities of them, including but not limited to the setting and delivery of the Fund's strategies, the allocation of the Fund's assets and the appointment of contractors, advisors and fund managers. The Pension Board operates independently of the Pension Fund Committee.
The Pension Board consists of five members as follows:
- Two Employer Representatives
- Two Scheme Member Representatives, one of whom is nominated by the joint trade unions, and one who is a member of the Clwyd Pension Fund
- One Independent Member who acts as chair of the Pension Board.
Position | Name | Voting Rights |
Independent Chair | Karen McWilliam | No |
Employer Representative | Steve Jackson - Coleg Cambria | Yes |
Employer Representative | Richard Weigh - WCBC | Yes |
Scheme Member Representative | Elaine Williams | Yes |
Scheme Member Representative | Vacant | Yes |
The Pension Board Annual Report is included within the Clwyd Pension Fund’s Annual Report which can be accessed through the following link.
The maintenance and integrity of the Clwyd Pension Fund’s website is the responsibility of the Accounting Officer; the work carried out by auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and accordingly auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.
The Pension Board minutes are published in the Clwyd Pension Fund Committee minutes which can be accessed through the following link.
All Pension Board members, excluding the Independent Member, have individual voting rights but it is expected the Pension Board will as far as possible reach a consensus.
A meeting of the Pension Board is only considered valid when at least three of the five members are present, including at least one Employer Representative, one Scheme Member Representative and the Independent Member.
Members of the Pension Board are required to declare, on appointment and at each meeting, any interests that may lead to conflicts of interest in relation to Pension Fund matters or agenda items.
The Pension Board meets a minimum of twice and a maximum of four times in each calendar year in the ordinary course of business. Additional meetings may be arranged, subject to approval by the Chief Executive, to facilitate its work.
If you wish to contact the Board please use the following email address. Where you wish to contact a specific member of the Board please name them in your email.